Stavros Panighiri Thursday 6th August 2015

Night One   Night Two

Another mild night for Sortiros. Again, the numbers were down to other years, but it didn't make a scrap of difference. Everyone had alot of fun and the music played until just before dawn!!

Lots of familiar faces and many, many new faces with visitors to the island getting a taste of festival season on Ithaca. Again there was no policing this crowd and shock horror, only humanity reigned.

Even the long line and wait for the souvlaki was filled with good cheer as people danced in line or made new friends while waiting. Good opportunity for a photo opp too. By the way, the souvlaki were really good again this year!

Although everyone knows the bands repertoir and the usual order of songs, it's amazing the excitement they can still muster after all the festivals, and the enthusiasm to which the music is greeted.      Real Estate