papoulaki in stavros ithaca greece

May 2013 - Sunday 19th  - Yesterday the temperature decided to make a turn into the red with 30 degrees C. We still have the southern dusty mist from Africa overhead so the views aren't too clear.

Everything on Ithaca is now about the water and the baysides, but don't forget, there are also some hidden treasure behind the bayside. Some worthwhile restaurants and little roads and paths that lead you into the traditional Ithaki.

Monday 20th - Yesterday, the sky still had the brown haze with dust coming up from Africa. We need a nice fresh wind to clear the atmosphere and some good fortune that it doesn't rain, otherwise, everything will get muddy.

There's not much special light dancing over our beautiful scenery, so not the best for scenic photographs. Had to look really hard to find an area where the view wasn't bland under the brown light.

The temperature has gone up and up these past few days, but with bright sunshine dulled out by the sky, we can see lots of people taking advantage by walking around the island.

Sunday mid morning to early afternoon means Brunch at Yefuri for many of the visitors coming to the north of the island. It's also a meeting place for locals in the area who take advantage of the shady olive trees under which brunch is served.

Tuesday 21st - A warm, but overcast day today for Unification Day. I got along to the parades in Stavros and Vathy. With the high school kids sitting for exams, only the primary school kids were in the parades and with the expressions on their faces, they all had a ball.

For more photographs of Unification Day in Stavros and Vathy, CLICK HERE or on photograph Left.

Wednesday 22nd - May has been quite strange weather-wise. Mostly overcast days, dust from Africa in the air and very warm temperatures at times. I'm holding out for some blue skies again. Below - Kioni.

Plenty of yachts coming into the village ports, but locals are reporting that many opt to eat on board. Ithaca does not have a docking fee for yachts, but it would be a nice gesture from the yachting companies, to leave a little something to help with the costs of their rubbish removal and their water needs. Most ports charge a fee, but not on Ithaca.

Thursday 23rd - Late afternoon yesterday, northern Ithaki celebrated Papoulaki as it's done every year since he was officially recognized as a Saint by the Greek Orthodox church.

For more photographs of Papoulaki, CLICK HERE or on photograph Left.

Above - Ithaki Restaurant in Stavros has now opened up it's space upstairs, giving you great views down to Polis Bay and across Stavros village Square.

Left - Stavros as seen from Ag. Barbara.

May's sun-showers have been mud showers this year. I can't remember a year when so much dirty rain has fallen on the island.

Friday 24th - I can make a bet that locals and visitors alike will not be too pleased with the weather forecast over the next week. Tops of only 22C and alot of cloud and chances of rain.

Yesterday the temperature dropped quite dramatically with sporadic rainy periods. Threw us back into wintery conditions. More like October than May. With more muddy rain, we couldn't wait for a downpour of relatively clean rain to clean everything up again, and that's just what happened overnight. A wintery day today, is keeping many inside, but things will hopefully clear up again by tomorrow.

Saturday 25th - It fined up quite nicely today. Mild and warm, mostly blue skies and a day tripper into Frikes with 200 people. Guess we're progressing into the Season quite nicely.

Left - The moon over the Ionian with the lights of Vathy in the distance.

Below and Below Left - Yefuri had Adrian Lunney playing jazz sets again last night. It's becoming an annual event.









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