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Ithaca Greece ..
At 9pm last night I got a call asking "Have you heard that they're pushing the Carnival forward to midday?" Luckily I was told, otherwise I would have missed it. Fimios, the carnival organizing group heeded the weather forecast for 9 force winds and heavy rain due in the afternoon, and so made the Carnival earlier in hope of missing the bad weather. NOPE. 1/4 way through the carnival, the skies opened up and everyone went running for cover. Still got the pics.
As usual the PTA and mothers groups did their utmost with costumes and make-up for the kids and the big kids of course, went all out to hit the streets in a big Ithaki Carnival fashion. The Float for the "Ithaca needs a Pediatrician" even recorded their own song. Unfortunately I didn't get to hear it because of the sudden rainfall, but it is bound to be a memorable hit on Ithakis Top 10 Hitlist. The Carnival always has room for a socila issue or two or three.
It seemed that there was an all around costume change for the Carnival, out with some of the old costumes and in with some funky new stuff. There were more childrens' floats than adult ones, but those adults that took the time, had a great time while it remained dry. There was lots of colour and everyone was definitely in the mood to Carnival. Ithaki Brass Band led the Carnival Parade and the toddlers tailed behind. For more pics continue to page 2 below.
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