"There are hardly any people here"
"I found a parking spot. Tthat's never happened before when I arrive at midnight"
"Usually there is nowhere to sit. Tonight I have a choice right near the band and the bar."
"The band is really good."
"Even with all their faults. I miss the old band. They had kefi"
"I think people just can't get the energy up with one Panighiri after another"
"I just got to Ithaki. I'm having a great time."
"Kioni Panighiri has never been my favourite, and this year so many didn't even bother to come."
There was a definite lull at the Kioni Panighiri this year. Mixed feelings all around. There were many varying opinions why it didn't take off like other years. Some are -
It's too expensive. People get tired of the same thing every year. The space is so confined. It doesn't have a local atmosphere. The music needs to change with the times. So many women are pregnant and going to bed early. People are just generally tired and stressed. The restaurant business takes away from the party atmosphere. Not enough locals on the dance floor showing off their dancing talents. Other islands show off their local culture at their festivals, maybe Ithaki should consider that. Sometimes people need to be led into having a good time. The band need to get the people excited with some banter. More should be made of the Prize win. Someone or something needs to draw all the sections together rather than just hoping that everyone will participate in having a good time.
There were also many who thought nothing needed to be changed about the Panighiri in Kioni.