The police had their work cut out for them, traffic was jam-packed, but as manouvering is an ithacan art, eventually the one-car road (due to parked cars on either side) was cleared of arriving cars and the police too, could join the festival for a drink. It's always surprising just how many people find the enthusiasm to party relentlessly after a full season of partying. There was great Kefi this year. It was palpable from the minute you neared the Platrithia village Square. Due to last years' interpretation of text being so raught with controversy, this year I was tempted to not write anything, but I do want to say, there were no fat ladies singing, dogs were dancing because they too enjoyed the music, there was more beer than you could swallow and the dish ran away with the spoon. It was good. It was good. It was good. Translated 3 times. It was good means it was good!