...........Frikes Panighiri - Thursday June 30th 2005 5

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Every year it's not known if the Frikes Panighiri will happen until the last minute, and if it does happen, the traditional date of the 30th June, is always in question, especially if it happens to fall on a week day. A weekend would encourage the southerners to make a trip up to the villages, but a weekday, it's feared, will not. so let's see how it all went. How was the food? Was the band any good? Were there enough people to make it all worth while? And, and, and...

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As usual many come early and then it's waiting, waiting, waiting...
and of course, eating
getting run over
Frikes Panighiri
...but it's also a good time to spend a few hours with parents, greadparents, aunts and uncles. Kids can run around a little before the dancing threatens to trample their tender toes. Coming early to a Panighiri also has other benerits, such as getting your choice of food and a table to eat it at. Very important!
Then the band begins to play a little dinner music after the muzak k k k ok?  
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