Marida Festival at Polis Bay Stavros
Ithaca Greece ..
To start the Marida Festival, a church service held in the ruin of the church at Polis Bay, blesses the seas the people and fish.
Marida Festival at Polis Bay
There were more blue skies than not this year and quite warm temps under the sun while the Marida Festival took its first steps for the year. This year people came late, some just in time for the skies to turn grey. The Stavros and Polis community put on a very well organized festival each year. Alot of fresh Marida fish, salad and local wine to go around the bayside 2 or 3 times. A great time, and one that is particularly enjoyed by the northern locals.
Local women make sweet bread to feed the community who go to Polis Bay for the Marida Festival.
Over the years, the Marida Festival has also become a popular event for the Off Season visitors to Ithaki.
If you get to the Marida Festival early, you are always assured of a shady or warm spot, depending on your preference, and of course first pick at the food and wine. Local community members were up early catching and then frying the small fish that begins Ithakis winter season.
See you at the Marida Festival in 2011, chances are you'll have a great time with the locals of Northern Ithaca.