Ithaca local wine comes in all shapes and sizes of plastic bottles.
Just because it's winter and it's cold doesn't mean everyone is stuck inside. There is always time for politics and BBQs. Some members of SYRIZA (a Greek political party) took the opportunity to get together on a fine day for a little food and lot of wine, mostly local wine, to see the New Year in...again. Host - Alex Taflambas and his guests, invited me to take some pics, and you know I can't turn an opportunity like that down.
A very enjoyable afternoon, despite the frostbite. Good conversations about history and politics, indispersed with good homour and family values. For me, and I suspect for others there, it was about spending the day with friends and colleagues, not about the politics, although I dare say, politics and the Greek psyche, can not be separate. It's in the genes (not Levis).