Winter on Ithaca

2004 - 2005

Ithaca Greece



















































































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Independence Day
Celebrations in Vathy
Friday 25th March 2005
click here or on photo for more pics
Friday 25th March - It was a busy day on Ithaki today with Annunciation Day and Independence day all in one go. The Independence Day parade was as usual a bright and colourful event that brought Ithacans outside to enjoy the sunny, warm day it was lucky enough to have at this time of year. Click on the picture (L) to see more pics of the morning celebrations in the streets of Vathy.
Sat 26 Mar - People are out and about in the villages of Ithaca enjoying the fine, mild weather today. When Frikes has a crowd at this time of year it can only mean one thing - It's a great day. Below Left - a family enjoying Frikes Park.
Above - Neilos, the black prophet from the Nile visits Ithaki. Not really, it's just what he's called in Sami, Kefalonia by those who know him. Neil came across to Ithaki for the day to visit friends. He runs a Tutoring School in Sami.

Mon 28 March - 3 days offline thanks to OTE leaving the whole of the northern island without communication because of the weekend. My chest is heaving from anger so I'm not going to go on about it because I would spew out criticism of OTE, the telecommunications company which always manages to get the money before it cuts you off.

Tue 29 Mar - Another mild weathered day around Ithaki. It gets the locals out and about with smiles on their faces. Shopping in Vathy town usually turns into sitting at a Cafe having a drink and a chat. Who wants to waste time inside when the Spring days are so inviting. Lots of businesses getting ready for the Easter invasion by cleaning, painting and renovating their premises. A yearly event around Ithaki.
A green Polis Beach just outside Stavros
The local bus
Fishing boats back in after their morning catch
A view to die for
In Summer it's hard to imagine that Ithaki is a green and lush island, but the sheep can attest to that, and they would if they weren't so busy nibbling it all away.
Above - L - R Constantina from Delas Tours, Maria the frustrated actress and Tomi also a frustrated actress, but busying herself with her gift shop 'Forget Me Not' well...not right now, after her chat to the girls.
Vathy Primary School kids get an outing for the morning.
Wed 30 Mar - Kioni bids farewell to local Dora Ventoura who died yesterday, Tuesday 29th March 2005, in her 100th year
Thu 31 Mar - It's the last day of March and with the morning rain and thunder storms no one thought it would turn out to be such a nice day. Spring is full of surprises. Below - View down to Vathy from Perahori.
Fri 1 Apr - Rementzo Restaurant in Frikes opened its' doors tonight for the first time since the end of last year. New paint job, new decorations on the walls and enthusiastic hosts
Anyone wanting to get into a little 1st of Aril fooling was hindered by the power cut in the morning from 8am until 2pm. The pre-announced cut had people up in the early hours of the morning to shower, clean, run water into buckets (without power the water pumps don't work) and all sorts of things. Work was being done in Kioni which meant all of Northern Ithaki was out. No one was too worried, the weather had been mild and warm most days. Not this day however. Today it was chilly and blowing a cold wind. Typical.
Monday 4th April
Where do you go on Ithaki for fresh fish? Nowhere. Just stand in the street and wait for them to pass. The fish van always gets a good crowd around it, marveling at the great catches of the morning. Don't stare too long however, some of them stare back and nip at your finger if you're not careful. Like that big lobster.
Living on Ithaki isn't all fun in the sun. Sometimes there are papers to sign, workmen to keep an eye on, chores to do. And where do Ithacans end up on a Monday morning? Vathy of course, the heart of our choredom. Above - Lila and Andrea from Stavros, proud grandparents having a quick coffee and Ouzo before it's back to work. Right - Tassos, the jeweler from Amfitriti Gift shop in Kioni.
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